The Margaret 0. Bynum Scholarship Fund is established to provide financial assistance to teachers of gifted children for additional professional development. Recipients must hold the gifted endorsement and are expected to provide service(s) to gifted students in Georgia for one school year after receiving the scholarship. Applicants must be a member of GAGC.
Recipients of the scholarship will be required to make a presentation at GAGC Conference immediately following the completion of the professional learning experience to:
A. Explain about how the gifted endorsement or other training in teaching gifted learners has impacted his/her teaching and success with students; OR
B. Give examples of strategies, resources, and/or skills acquired from the awarded professional development experience that have greatly impacted his/her teaching; OR
C. Provide examples of good leadership strategies learned from experience and gifted training.
The fund is supported by $2.00 from each convention registration and earned interest on the principle. The amount of the scholarship(s) granted to applicants will depend on the amount of funds available, the number of applicants, and the need(s) of the applicants.