This brochure was developed by the Professional Learning Working Group as a resource for teachers of the gifted. The brochure contains ideas and resources for identifying potential, and developing talent in gifted and high ability learners.
The Survey of Gifted Program Instrumentation Practices is an infographic highlighting themes from a survey of gifted coordinators in Georgia. Fifty-three respondents provided practical insight into the instruments they use in their district, screening practices, and other factors specific to how gifted identification is carried out in their districts.
The Georgia Association for Gifted Children’s Coalition for Access and Equity Policy Group shares a new GAGC data tool for schools and districts to find the most significant areas to improve access to gifted services and advanced/honors programming opportunities. The Equity Self-Assessment and Improvement Tool is easily populated with district or school data, and this produces a scale that indicates areas for improvement. Building on the work of others in the field of gifted education who have championed access, equity and representation in high ability programs, the GAGC Coalition for Access and Equity seeks to find ways GAGC can support teachers, schools and systems in discovering the barriers and finding key gateways to advanced opportunities for all students in a school or district.
Overview of the GAGC Equity Self-Assessment and Improvement Tool